Learn More About the Building

From the Architect…
Fifth & Poplar is located on the block adjacent to the historic First Presbyterian Church and Settler's Square cemetery. The building shares the block with the historic St. Peter's Hospital and the site is generally considered a transition from the high-rise buildings of Tryon Street to the historic Fourth Ward neighborhood.
Because of this somewhat unusual immediate context for Charlotte, the building was designed using a traditional, classically-derived architecture, utilizing traditional building materials of stone, brick and stucco.
In elevation, the building has the traditional tripartite division of its height with the cast stone base, brick clad middle and the cap of stucco or mansard roof.

The architecture draws on Georgian and Regency design for inspiration and modulation.
The midrise building is intended to recall older residential blocks seen in such cities as Washington and Philadelphia.
The projects ground floor units on the street are designed to recall townhouse walk-ups associated with those cities. The project’s mass is pulled out toward the street, creating a strong street wall and also an interior courtyard that serves as public garden and private amenity terrace.